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The time when online marketing was as simple as targeting consumers on full-sized websites seems so long ago. Now, any one may access the internet through a PC at their desk, a laptop on their couch, or the many smartphones and tablets on the market.

This portability of the World Wide Web and the branched evolution of devices has challenged the marketing world to keep up with it.

Marketers must now consider how and where their audience will consume information – through what devices and at what times of day.

To reflect this change in online advertising Google have recently upgraded their AdWords service – the useful tool that allows marketers to plan their ad campaigns by experimenting with different brand keywords.

AdWords also makes for a good research tool for marketers to optimise their site content in order to rank higher on search engines by discovering different, yet related, keywords and search queries.

Aiming to make the running and planning of online marketing campaigns simpler, Sridhar Ramaswamy, Google’s Senior Vice President of Engineering revealed the update in his new blog post.

By targeting multi-device users with an array of new marketing tools, AdWords now aims to help users plot campaigns across all platforms.

Google’s useful tool has also been expanded to allow the creation of different ads for varying user contexts, with more intelligent feedback and reports to assess new conversion types.

Google’s study found that marketers must become fluent across many different devices such as PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, hybrids and TVs in order to effectively target their entire prospect base.

So what does this mean for marketers?

According to Google: “campaigns help you reach people with the right ads, based on their context like location, time of day and device type, across all devices without having to set up and manage several separate campaigns.”

However, writing on the company blog, Adobe’s direc¬tor of prod¬uct mar¬ket¬ing and strategy for Media & Adver¬tis¬ing Solu¬tion, Bill Mungo¬van, warned that advertisers “may see lower over¬all ROI [revenue-per-search] as these CPCs [costs-per-click] creep up.”

Have you used the new Google AdWords? Have you found it to be useful? And how do you think the service will affect the marketing world?

Why not let us know by getting in touch on Facebook or Twitter.

If you would like any guidance on any aspect of marketing, why not contact us today or take a look at our work.

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