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We may have learned in 2012 the very fortunate news that email is still a prominent and successful form of advertising – but that is not to say that some businesses may not be finding emailing to be a useful marketing tool.

Needless to say, there a few tweaks that any marketer can make to ensure that their company emails are opened by readers, and even convert them to customers!

So what are the differences between emails that are opened and read to those that are discarded and labelled spam? Allow us to break it down…

Nail the Subject Line – This can truly be the make and break for customers in whether they will initially view your message. Make it informative, concise, catchy and honest.

Are you offering anything? Be it exclusive news, a discount on your products, a company update, newsletter or simply useful information to your mailing list recipients?

Take them to a landing page – While it might seem a small victory to have users clicking through to your emails, what really measures success is whether they read what your company has to say – and even more if they choose to go further to your landing pages.

Providing a brief form with a concise description and ensuring the security of the customer’s details is a must. This way you can convert viewers to leads in minutes.

Judge your audience – Who exactly are your emails reaching, and why should they be interested in the content? These are the questions your company must ask before generating content.

Whether they are likely to be interested in new offers, comprehensive e-books or brief hints and advice must be determined to keep your email list on board. So deciphering the appropriate information to provide – and in what form, will ensure success.

Needless to say, Email marketing is a cost-effective and time effective form of advertising that really rewards when marketers get it right first time. A perfect method for turning potential clients into leads and gathering new business can be achieved in one wholesome swoop – but only if it is executed correctly!

Would you like any advice on Email advertising or on any other marketing method? Then why not call Thread on 0207 226 0099 or contact us to find out more.

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